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Anitech Foundations

Anitech Foundations







Anitech Foundations Overview

Success is a journey, not a destination. There are important elements that determine your journey; our success is defined by the path we chose. The basic attribute for Anitech Foundations reaching its pinnacle is that we understand of the necessities of a common man.Anitech Foundationss was founded in 2009 as a subsidiary of a Real Estate Consultant company, i.e. TG-Chennai Real Associates, which was started in the year 2001 with strong values and has been growing day by day with the fullest satisfaction of their clients.Our commitment to deliver Quality Buildings lay on the scientific application of architecture design & construction be it, good ventilation to breathe fresh air, comfortable living, completion on in time, complying with government norms using branded materials in cements, irons, bricks, instruments, fittings, piping, wiring., etc.Our personnel are trained on a continuous basis and the core team upgrades their skills to execute high standards of civil engineering, a separate QA team to monitor the quality and work in progress as we aspire to beat our own standards, raising them to the next level.

Corporate Office

10-A, Dr. Raja Annamalai Road, Purasaiwalkam, Chennai – 600 084.

Contact us on

+91 9667847298

[email protected]

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