Can Mothers Be Equally Amazing Real Estate Agents Too?

mothers day 2019

Before we start digging into our topic, advance Happy Mother’s Day wishes to all protective, adorable and lovable hearts all around the world.

Yes, May 12 is on its way, a day to remember, (it would be too less if we say so). So, a day to pay our respect and tribute to mothers all over the world, especially in India as we celebrate Mother’s Day. So, today, as we bring our attention to the amazing role-play a mother, can indulge in as a real estate agent, let us not forget to wish each and every mother.

As we take a look around on this Mother’s Day, we can see that so many of them have decided to quit their jobs on motherhood. Yeah, but is there any better job opportunities for mothers? And how amazing mothers can be as a real estate agent?

Let us read through some factors that make mothers amazing real estate agents. Mother’s Day is obviously the best time to flip through these. Real estate agent role gives mothers the necessary time that ought to spend with the family and the kids. Let us now see, what makes a great realtor mother.

What Makes Efficient Realtor Mothers?

1. Flexible Timing

Of course, being a woman and a mother needs proper work-life balance. Flexible working hours are much helpful for those women who find real estate as their new career option. As a real estate agent, a woman has the freedom to decide how much they want to work. To be more precise, it allows them to decide what time they want to work, how much time they want to spend, daily or weekly basis and so much more. This is, in fact, the big choice that mothers get in a day. This flexibility allows mothers to involve in both homely activities and work life too. This freedom is what makes realtor job a wonderful one for women, especially mothers.

2. Stay Home, Efficient Time Management

Mother’s Day brings more attention to the role-play of women in homes. Yes, women need much time to spend with their kids and family and a role as a realtor definitely pave way for it. Realtors can stay home, or work from any part of the globe provided that they are supplied with the necessary elements to handle the work. Depending on the free time, (free from house works), women can engage in sales calls, or they can arrange meetings or even can plan for a site visit. Everything is quite easy when it comes to flexibility in the working space. As more time women can spend in their homes, real estate is definitely a good option for mothers. They can be home when their kids need them, at the same time, they can go for work if they are free enough.

3. Large Earning Potential

Of course, real estate brings in more income, more earning potential. Normally, mothers would be engaged in some homely activities and so their support to the family in income-wise is very less. But a realtor mother can engage in a flexible job option and bring high income to the family. Since most of the real estate jobs are incentive-based, they have an option to earn more. Large earning potential is sure in real estate. By spending more of their time in the industry, engaging people, persuading them to buy projects by familiarizing it to them, mother’s can bring more income to the family. And, Mother’s Day is obviously the best day to discuss the efforts of a mother, as a parent and as a working woman, than any other day I guess.

‘We have got your back’- Mother Realtors

You might all have been so familiar with this term, ‘we have got your back always’, especially from the real estate agents. They are the people who actually take all the stress for the home buying process. Right from the time of introducing a home to you, till the time of documentation and other processes, they will role-play the worrying part of yourself.

Now, the question is how Mother’s Day, this saying and the role of a mother as a realtor is connected. As we are stepping into the Mother’s Day week, let us have a glance into some traits adorable mothers and amazing realtors share.

1. Unconditional Love

Of course, a mother is a symbol of love, unfathomable, unbelievable and unseen. As every Mother’s Day call for remembrance on this very same thing, let us compare this with a realtor, more correctly, a mother realtor. A mother knows how to take care of her child, so is a very best realtor. They know how exactly their clients should be taken care of. With proper attention, fair care and listening to their grievances, realtors too will share much love.

2. Patience

Yes, real estate business wouldn’t have survived without patience. Mothers share that level of patience, which is common in realtors too. They will never be ready to let go of their client even when one seller rejected their client, let alone the leads not turning to clients.

3. Ferocity (when required)

Mothers are always calm and composed unless their kids are in some kind of trouble. This is very true with the realtors too. They stand right with their clients fighting for their rights, their interests, and their requirements. There is no point of time when these realtors leave their client but stay with professional negotiations and support throughout.

Happy Mother’s Day

We have already discussed what makes efficient realtor mothers and the traits that realtors and mothers share. Let us take a moment to wish all, a Happy Mother’s Day. Mother is the true queen of every home. Being a mother is tough, being a realtor is also tough. But this post points out that being a realtor mother is way too easy and comfortable. You can also check how women are homebuyers too, not homemakers alone here.

And once again, Happy Mother’s Day wishes!